Contesting a School Bus Ticket


School bus

(Article 460 of Highway Safety Code)


When do we need to stop for a school bus ?

According to Highway Safety Code, when a school bus stops, red flashing lights are turned on and compulsory stop signal is activated, it is mandatory to stop his vehicle at least 5 meters away from the school bus. Hence, we cannot proceed to cross or double the school bus. However, note that you have no obligation to stop if there is median strip between your car and the school bus.

Sanctions and penalties for crossing or passing a school bus

If you are found guilty of such an infraction, you could face:

However, depending on the circumstances and well represented, the fine and demerit points may decrease.

Let Solution Ticket verify if the alledged infraction as valid or invalid ground.
Act promptly to fight your school bus infraction with Solution ticket!

Contest your school bus ticket right away!

Don’t wait: time is running out.
The less you wait, the more your chance of success.

Before paying your ticket, contact us if you have any questions.

Contact us for further questions

Montreal Region:
514 990-7884

Other Regions – Quebec – Ontario:
1 877 990-7884

450-934-3414’s Team
“The solution to your ticket problems in Quebec”
229-3221, Autoroute Laval O., Laval (Qc) H7P 5P2


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